Why You're Always Tired

Top 6 habits that wreck your sleep

Why You're Always Tired

Top 6 habits that wreck your sleep

Top 10 Tips For Your Fitness

Energy levels and mood is all about sleep. Sleep is one of those things that can easily make life hard. And it can creep up on you, until you’ve had months of bad sleep. Sometimes it’s hard to recognize.

A good way to know is to be honest with yourself.

After 30 min of waking up, do you feel energized?

Do you struggle with brain fog?

Is your mood up and down?

Sleep revolves around your daily habits. And by changing some of these basic habits, you can get far more deep sleep. It’s hard to know what your deep sleep and REM sleep is like, so I recommend tracking it.

Use something like a Fitbit Inspire 2, Whoop tracker, or Apple watch. Then you can measure where you’re at now.

For me, I used to have pretty low REM sleep. REM sleep will improve brain function, learning, focus, and emotional needs.

It doesn’t require really fancy stuff to improve deep sleep, light sleep, or REM sleep. Just a few basic things you need to focus on. And your life could dramatically improve. By getting 5% deeper sleep, you could have 5% more energy the next day. Which means you’ll put 5% more effort into exercise. And you’ll get 5% better results. Easy. Sign me up!

5 habits that destroy your sleep

  1. Eating too late

  2. Not having a night time routine

  3. Too much bright light at night time

  4. Bedroom isn’t cold enough

  5. It’s noisy

  6. Coffee after 12pm

Eating late

Your body works best if it’s doing 1 or 2 things at a time. When you sleep, there’s a ton of things going on. You’re brain and body are being repaired, so you want that process to be as good as possible. If you eat an hour before bed, you’ll be digesting food for several hours while you’re body is trying to rest and repair. The 2 don’t go well together. Just like how eating lunch an hour before going for a run isn’t ideal.

Night time routine

The brain is in a different state when it’s stressed and busy. By reading, walking, using no screens, and slowing down, your brain slows down. The brain needs some gaps and time to process everything from the day. If you don’t give it that time, it’ll start this process when you get in bed. You’ll be trying to fall asleep when you’re brain wants to process everything that happened that day, and what you need to do tomorrow. Give it some space and time to wind down. This is one of the biggest mistakes I used to make.

Bright light

The brain is stimulated by bright, blue light. Because blue light comes from the sun at 12pm. Your brain will think it's mid-day if you use your phone when the sun goes down. The best practice here, and the best way to balance it is by turning off electronics an hour before bed.


Make sure it’s as cold as comfortable. And reduce noise by using earplugs or closing doors. I use a face mask to reduce light, and ear plugs.

Coffee after 12pm

Nothing like a cold brew coffee. After 12pm, it could be tempting. It is, really. But no, not today. Or tomorrow. After 6 hours, half of it will still be in your system. Best practice here is to have nothing after 12.

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How I Can Help

Join my online coaching www.fitnessimage.com.au/6-week-reset

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